Effective Client Conversations about Sustainability

A conversation about sustainability is: “dare, do and experience”

A conversation about sustainability is impossible to imagine our lives without these days. Whether you have (internal/external) clients who are working on this or ask you for advice on how to deal with it, sustainability is increasingly on the agenda.

Talking about sustainability can be tricky. You yourself have more or less affinity with it, knowledge about it and/or a discussion partner who has an opinion on it. In addition, you may be expected to be able to talk about sustainability with people who know a lot about it or, on the contrary, little. In short, talking about sustainability can be challenging.

Can you normally have convincing and decisive conversations with (internal/external) customers, but do you get uncertain when it comes to sustainability? This training is designed to help you have conversations about sustainability. After the training, you will be able to have a conversation about sustainability comfortably and in tune with the customer.